A fertility healing blog



Our bodies have seven main energy centers called chakras. Each chakra is responsible for specific emotions and physical organs in that area of the body. Chakras spin at a unique speed. Chakras can be open, closed, under-spinning, over-spinning, or partially blocked. For optimal health, chakras should be open and spinning to match the person’s vibration.  […]

What Are Chakras?

Fertility, Reiki

Relationships are important to how we live life, how we love, and affects every part of our beings. Relationships can be platonic, romantic, professional, sexual, acquaintances, student/teacher, or placed based. How we feel when we are in these relationships really affects our emotional and physical well-being. Not every relationship will leave you with the desire […]

How Relationships Can Affect Your Fertility

Fertility, Reiki

My name is Carolina and I’m a Reiki practitioner and healer. Reiki helped open my sacral plexus chakra so that I could release grief and get pregnant. I was able to conceive after one reiki session. One reiki session helped me feel lighter after suffering from deep grief after losing my father. When I lost […]

How I Conceived After One Reiki Session

Fertility, Pregnancy, Reiki

It’s no secret that infertility is an incredibly difficult thing to go through. Not only are you dealing with the emotional aspects of not being able to conceive, but you have to deal with the physical aspects as well. And then there’s the financial burden that comes with trying to get pregnant, whether it be […]

How I Helped My Client Conceive in Less Than 3 months

Fertility, Pregnancy, Reiki

We often don’t think about how our relationships can affect our energy, but they do. This is especially true when it comes to conversations, physical embraces, and sharing a connection. We’ve all had that feeling. You’re just not feeling yourself, and you can’t put your finger on why. Maybe you’re not sleeping well, or maybe […]

What Relationships Can Affect Your Energy

Fertility, Reiki

It is extremely important to have a peaceful mind and be as stress-free as possible when trying to conceive a child. I am going to share my top six different ways to use Reiki for fertility you should check out. Six Ways to Heal with Reiki for Fertility Reiki is a Japanese form of energy […]

Six Ways to Heal with Reiki for Fertility

Fertility, Reiki

Our sacral chakra is the second chakra from our body, and it’s all about creativity, emotional health, and sexuality. It’s associated with the color orange, and it’s also called Svadhisthana. This name is derived from two Sanskrit words, ‘Swa’ and ‘Adhisthana,’ where swa means ‘one’s own and ‘adhisthana’ means abode or seat.   This chakra can […]

How Emotions Affect The Sacral Chakra

Fertility, Reiki

While women have to go through a lot just to become pregnant, fertility problems — while not always permanent — can be a major problem if they persist. But what are the best ways to heal fertility problems? The answer is simple, Reiki! What is Reiki? Reiki is a unique technique that both relieves stress […]

How Reiki Heals Fertility Problems

Fertility, Reiki

Reiki is the life force energy of the world, the energy that makes the grass grow, your lungs expand. Reiki can be done in person or remotely. Reiki transcends time and space because it is vibration. A Reiki practitioner (at least Level 2 or above) has the ability to access your energy field (with consent) […]

How Does Reiki Work?

Fertility, Reiki

Do you want to know a secret? I think a huge missing piece to fertility is the connection to the higher force, heaven, Universe, Higher Self, or whatever you resonate with. In my own personal journey, it was February 2016; I had fallen off my horse, fell into a ditch, and suffered a concussion. This […]

My Story Of How The Universe Affected My Fertility

Fertility, Reiki

You will learn and experience the following from this What is Fertility Reiki? Series:
  • What is Fertility Reiki? 
  • What is Reiki Womb Healing?
  • Chakras and Baby-Making: Separating Fact from Fiction
  • Conception & Connect to Your Spirit Guides & Spirit Baby
  • High Vibe Fertility: Elevating Your Consciousness for Conceiving Your Spirit Baby
  • Experience Reiki: Fertile Womb Activation
I created this mind-blowing series to for you to know and experience Reiki for your own fertility. It is the exact method that helped over 95 Reiki babies be conceived! The next wave of Reiki babies are coming - are you going to be one of those mamas?

What Is Fertility Reiki? Series

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