This 2020 Fourth of July has the Buck Full Moon and a lunar eclipse. We thank all the service women and men of the armed services for providing protection and the amazing liberties we have here in the United States of America.
I am a first-generation American and I treasure the incredible freedoms we have in this amazing nation.
As a small business owner, spiritual leader, and entrepreneur, I have dedicated myself to serving women of all races, sexual orientation, religion, age, ancestry, marital status or disability.
I help women heal their traumas, I love on them until they can, and then they launch into the best versions of themselves and live their best life.
I am so blessed and grateful I get to live out my dream of providing Reiki to women. I celebrate the freedom to live my life openly and fully on this holiday. I am sending deep love and Reiki to all of you who read this on this special holiday.
Here is my Buck Full Moon reading:
Hello Beautiful Queen! Since the last full moon, you have risen up and are dancing with the rhythm of the Universe.
You need to recognize how deeply and unconditionally you are loved.
Please trust your conscious and inner guidance more.
It is an accurate compass directly connected to the Divine as Mother Mary is with you to release the need to be right and have the last word.
She is supporting you as a mother to pivot and choose more peaceful interactions and conversations.
Also, she is here to help you strengthen and heal your relationships with the mothers in your life (mother, stepmom, MIL, grandma).
The next opportunity emerging is for you to recognize your divine worth and understand that LOVE is yours to have.
You are LOVE.
For this full moon, think and focus on what you desire.
Set your sights so high that they scare you.
You have faith the best outcome is going to occur as much as you believe that you will take our next breath.
To charge your crystals:
Typically on a full moon, you will put your crystals out in your preferred space to soak and charge the full moon energy.
However, with this lunar eclipse, the moon will have energy meant to cause a shake up momentum in our soul to get us uncomfortable.
That feeling of un-comfortableness leads to change in our life path and soul. You do not want that energy stored into your crystals.
A fantastic way to cleanse and charge your crystals is to gently place them in your sink with pink salt overnight.
Put a generous amount of salt in the sink.
Say the following prayer out loud:
“Dear Universe [Higher Self, God, or Angels], please cleanse these crystals of any negative energy and charge them with your most healing frequency and love.
Dear Crystals, I program you to be used in [my healing, my manifestation practices, or chakra alignment affirmations] and to release all the energy stored in you that is not for my highest good.
I express my deepest gratitude and appreciation to my angles, guides, and Universe.”
NOTE: Be careful not to get crystals like selenite wet because they will soften and dissolve.
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